
It Must be May in S. Florida!

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by Danette Thompson
May 20, 2015
Category:   Community

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The Royal Poinciana tree is a majestic tree that blooms prolifically in S. Florida during the months of May and June. A tropical tree, it only grows in a few places in the United States. I am thankful that I get to enjoy their beauty!

Perhaps the first Royal Poinciana was planted in Florida by David Fairchild of Fairchild Gardens in 1917. Some old neighborhoods, such as South Miami Avenue are lined with old Royal Poinciana trees, which is a breathtaking sight during these months. (see photo above)

About 10 years ago, I planted several of these trees along the common areas of Cypress Lakes in Coral Springs. They have grown large, spreading canopies over the years. For this reason, they are best suited for very large yards or public areas. Not many trees can compete with the stunning beauty of these trees.

I’d love to help you select the right tree for your yard when you purchase a home from me!

Danette Thompson

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